COVID-19 Safety Plan
In the interest of protecting the health and safety of our members entrusted to our care, their families, and our staff, we will be enforcing all policies and procedures listed. If a member, their family, or a staff member is unwilling to abide by these policies and procedures they will not be allowed to participate until their willingness to do so has changed.
- Inform coaches, administrators, members, parents/guardians, and participants of COVID-19 protocols through email, club website, member receipts, in house telephone communications
- Use an Assumption of Risk Agreement for ALL Participants, to include specific wording relating to insurance coverage for COVID-19 claims exclusion and their assumption of the related risks with COVID-19
- Ensure participants and their families are aware through signs that they may not enter the facility if either they or a household member has had onset of illness with symptoms compatible with suspected or lab-confirmed COVID-19 in the prior 14 days; signs should be posted at screening stations and entrances to the facility to remind staff, parents/guardians, and other visitors
- Maintain confidentiality of any person confirmed to have been COVID-19 infected
- Wearing masks is currently optional for participants & spectators. Just Bounce reserves the right to re-instate a mandatory masking policy at any time
- All persons must properly wash with soap and water or sanitize hands upon entering facility
- Anyone entering the facility will be required to self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms
- Classes are spaced out with 5 minutes between classes to minimize traffic and allow for sanitization between classes
- Once classes are over, athletes and parents need to leave the facility, no lingering around and chatting is permitted
- Anyone feeling unwell MUST STAY HOME
- Heightened cleaning & disinfection of entire facility, especially high touch, and high traffic areas
- Hand washing guidelines to be displayed to show how to properly wash hands
- Ensure respiratory etiquette is followed by advising individuals to cough or sneeze into one’s arm or a tissue
- Clean/disinfect gymnastics equipment at the end of the day
- Clean/disinfect washrooms often
- Hand sanitizing stations provided throughout facility
- Create and maintain cleaning and disinfecting logs
- If a child becomes ill at the facility the following actions will be taken; Isolate the child in a separate area, with supervision; Ensure physical distancing from other participants; Staff should be mindful of hand washing and avoid contact with the child’s respiratory secretions; Notify parents to come pick up their child immediately; All equipment used by the child should be immediately removed from use by any other gymnasts and cleaned immediately
- Adhere to maximum numbers in the facility and training area as dictated by the Province of Ontario for group gatherings
- Limit, where possible, physical contact among participants
- Have youth and adults wash hands or use hand sanitizer often, incorporating additional hand hygiene opportunities into the daily schedule including before allowing participation, directly after participation, and frequently during a class, including before getting water, eating, and after touching shared surfaces or items
- Reduce class time to allow for facility safeguarding
- Staff to wear a mask when pitting an athlete & wash/sanitize hands before and after
- Hands free coaching wherever possible (no spotting) for recreational programs, unless required to prevent injury; if hand spotting is required, both athlete and coach must wear a mask and sanitize hands before and after
- Club to pass along information to employees regarding their rights, risks, and responsibilities as they relate to this public health emergency
- Prior to coming to work (daily), staff are required to complete screening test for COVID-19; a staff log to record the self-assessment will be kept
- Follow guidelines for wearing masks for the coaches and staff when physical distancing cannot be maintained
- Staff must practice personal safety measures such as coughing/sneezing into arm
- Maintain confidentiality of any person confirmed to have been COVID-19 infected
- If a staff member is diagnosed with COVID-19, the staff member must remain off work for 5 days following symptom onset
- Management Team will check the Ontario Screening Guidelines weekly to keep up to date on symptoms to look for and update screening tests accordingly
- Management Team will meet weekly to review the Safety Plan and if any changes need to be made
- Changes to the safety plan will be emailed to staff, and the updated Safety Plan will be posted on the website and inside the facility