Caring for Your Mental Health

By Jacinda David, Owner, Just Bounce Trampoline

Dear Just Bounce Families,

We are just beginning Week 6 of Social Distancing. Many of us have caught up on some extra projects at home, many of us haven’t. There may even be some families out there that have really got a solid rhythm going with online schooling. Parents and children alike have quickly become experts in Google Classroom, and Zoom meetings.

BUT – how are we really doing? Have you reached the end of your rope? Have you noticed yourself make a really snarky comment lately? I have! This morning I just gave heck to a construction worker blocking my driveway with his truck. (I mean he was doing “non-essential” work on patio stones at my neighbour’s house…..) but I think I’m just tired and cranky and I took it out on him. I could’ve asked him nicely to move it and waited happily, but I didn’t.

Living with uncertainty and no end in sight is very hard. There is no plan for a “return to the way things were” yet. No one is sure when that will be. With this level of uncertainly, many of us are also tired, struggling and balancing too many plates. How can you be your best self at work with being a full-time caregiver of your child(ren)? OR how can you make these groceries stretch until your next Grocery Delivery booking? OR how can you help your aging relatives who you know are lonely? The list goes on and on.

Do you think our children are struggling too? What type of mental load are they carrying right now? We wanted to pass on a few resources to you this week to support your mental health.

My favourite is Kids Help Phone! I myself volunteered as a Student Ambassador for Kids Help Phone when I was in high school. I suggest you post this information about Kids Help Phone on your fridge or somewhere you think your child will see it. Wouldn’t it be nice for your child to have another responsible adult (actually Social Worker or Psychologist) to talk to at this time? They are a great resource for your children at this time! 1-800-668-6868

Good luck navigating these waters! Keep active, keep safe and have fun!

Warm Regards,

Jacinda David
Co-Owner & Operations Manager
Just Bounce Trampoline Club
Toronto & Newmarket Trampoline Training Centres!

Caring for Your Mental Health

The Government of Canada has put together information in support of managing mental health and well-being during COVID-19. This is a stressful time for both adults and children. Don’t forget to take the time to check in on your and your children’s mental health.
“It is important for all of us to acknowledge these feelings and the disruptions caused by COVID-19 to our personal and working lives. Engaging in an open dialogue about our emotional well-being with family members, friends and colleagues can help to improve and maintain our mental health in uncertain times.” – Government of Canada

You’re not alone – ask for help if you feel overwhelmed.
If you need additional support, call your primary health provider, a registered psychologist or other mental health provider in your community.
If you are in crisis, please contact:
1-800-668-6868 or Text CONNECT to 686868
Available to young Canadians between 5–29 years old who are seeking 24-hour confidential and anonymous care with professional counselors.
Available to all Canadians seeking support. Visit Crisis Services Canada for the distress centres and crisis organizations nearest you.
1-855-242-3310 or Connect to the online chat.
Available to all Indigenous peoples across Canada who are seeking immediate crisis intervention.



Jacinda and Stephen David, Owners, Just Bounce TrampolineABOUT THE AUTHOR:

Stephen and Jacinda have been working as a successful duo since Just Bounce Trampoline Club opened its doors in 2004.  They love to share the adventure that is trampoline with recreational and competitive athletes alike.  They have coached several athletes to National Championship titles and International medals at Pan American Championships and World Age Group Championships in both Double Mini Trampoline and Individual Trampoline.